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Darja Popolitova

Darja Popolitova is a contemporary jewellery artist, lecturer, and PhD student at the Estonian Academy of Arts. Based in Tallinn, she creates art jewellery, sculptures, installations, and videos that blend digital craft and fiction with an ironic perspective on modernity. Her work emphasizes the tactile and symbolic nature of jewellery as a medium for conceptual ideas.</p><p>Popolitova has received numerous awards, including the Artist Salary (2022) and the Annual Award of the Estonian Cultural Endowment (2020). Her exhibitions include prominent venues like Smack Mellon Gallery in New York (2022) and the Museum of Arts and Design (2019).</p><p>ALMAZISTA features jewellery designed for consumers and retailers, focusing on innovative materials and technologies with a blend of irony and complex compositions.

Photo: Studio Augustine

We created an e-shop and portfolio for Darja Popolitova, showcasing her diverse works under both the DARJA POPOLITOVA and ALMAZISTA brands. Designed by Jojo&me studio, the website is currently not fully public as it awaits management from Darja, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for art collectors and design consumers alike once it launches.

Popolitova homepage, showing a still frame of randomly looping project images in the background. Screenshot by SA.
Popolitova homepage, showing a still frame of randomly looping project images in the background. Screenshot by SA.
Project page on the Popolitova website, showcasing detailed information and visuals for a selected project. Screenshot by SA.
Project page on the Popolitova website, showcasing detailed information and visuals for a selected project. Screenshot by SA.
Popolitova website displaying an open image in full view. Screenshot by SA.
Popolitova website displaying an open image in full view. Screenshot by SA.
Popolitova website navigation menu, showing the layout of links for easy access to different sections. Screenshot by SA.
Popolitova website navigation menu, showing the layout of links for easy access to different sections. Screenshot by SA.

Darja Popolitova

Darja Popolitova is a jewellery artist,
lecturer, and PhD student from Tallinn.
She creates jewellery,
and videos
that combine digital craft
with a modern,
ironic twist.

Her work explores the meaning of jewellery
as both a tactile
and symbolic art form.
Darja has exhibited globally,
including at Smack Mellon Gallery
in New York and the Museum of Arts and Design.

We built an e-shop
and portfolio for Darja,
showcasing her work under the DARJA POPOLITOVA
and ALMAZISTA brands.
Designed by Jojo&me studio,
the site is ready to offer
a smooth experience
for collectors
and customers when it launches.

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