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Rentalier is a sustainable fashion brand founded by Josefine Vaher-Vahter and Inger Kitt, offering a designer dress rental service that empowers women to experiment with new styles while promoting conscious consumption. Inspired by real-life moments, Rentalier provides access to high fashion for special occasions in an eco-friendly way.

Rentalier logo: a sustainable clothing rental brand focused on eco-friendly fashion and empowering women's style. Photo by Rentalier.

Designed and developed Rentalier’s website with a user-friendly system for browsing and booking dresses. Addressed evolving customer feedback and needs, ensuring rapid updates to match the dynamic environment of a startup.

Rentalier homepage showcasing a clean design with sustainable fashion messaging and navigation options for browsing designer dresses. Screenshot by SA.
Rentalier homepage showcasing a clean design with sustainable fashion messaging and navigation options for browsing designer dresses. Screenshot by SA.
Rentalier product page featuring a designer dress, details about its rental options, and an add-to-cart button. Screenshot by SA.
Rentalier product page featuring a designer dress, details about its rental options, and an add-to-cart button. Screenshot by SA.
Rentalier's product grid page displaying multiple designer dresses organized in a visually appealing grid layout. Screenshot by SA.
Rentalier's product grid page displaying multiple designer dresses organized in a visually appealing grid layout. Screenshot by SA.
Rentalier's "How it works" page explaining the rental process in steps with accompanying visuals and clear text. Screenshot by SA.
Rentalier's "How it works" page explaining the rental process in steps with accompanying visuals and clear text. Screenshot by SA.

Founded by Josefine Vaher-Vahter and Inger Kitt,
Rentalier is a sustainable fashion brand
offering designer dress rentals.

This service lets women try out new styles
for special occasions,
all with an eco-friendly approach.

We built Rentalier's website,
focusing on a simple system
for browsing and booking dresses.

With a new concept like this,
customer feedback came in quickly,
leading to frequent updates
to meet their needs —
similar to working in a fast-paced startup.

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