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Web­maga­zine Peegel

Peegel ( is the online magazine produced by the students of master's production courses at the Institute of Social Studies, University of Tartu.

Photo: University of Tartu

We were responsible for creating the visual identity, web design, web development, and ongoing web management for Peegel. The result is a platform that showcases the creative outputs of the students while maintaining an intuitive, professional design that supports their journalistic work.

Front page of Webmagazine Peegel, issue number 39. Screenshot by SA.
Front page of Webmagazine Peegel, issue number 39. Screenshot by SA.
Article page on Webmagazine Peegel, showing the full article content with accompanying visuals. Screenshot by SA.
Article page on Webmagazine Peegel, showing the full article content with accompanying visuals. Screenshot by SA.
Webmagazine Peegel page listing articles by issue numbers, displaying multiple issues per page. Screenshot by SA.
Webmagazine Peegel page listing articles by issue numbers, displaying multiple issues per page. Screenshot by SA.

Veebiajakiri Peegel

Peegel (
is an online magazine
created by master's students
at the Institute of Social Studies,
University of Tartu.

We handled the visual identity,
web design,
web development,
and ongoing web management
for Peegel.
The result is a user-friendly platform
that highlights the students' creative work
while maintaining
a professional
and intuitive design
that supports
their journalistic efforts.

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